Dirty Dictionary or Prude Processor?
First things first: Some people have told me that comments weren't enabled properly on this blog. I think I have fixed this.
Now...Today's Post:
While frustrated with studying, I decided to vent by typing a string of curse words into a document that I was working on in MS Word. Of particular note were the words "fuck" and "shit".
What was noteworthy about these words was that they failed to trigger the squiggly red underline feature that the MS Word spell checker employs to inform the user that he or she has mispelled a word.
So "fuck" and "shit" pass the spell check feature?
Not quite, depending on how you look at it.
At that point, I decided to try mis-spelling the same words to see if I could (after the red squigglies appeared) right-click on those words and be given a drop-down list from which to chose suggestions of proper spelling.
Well, I got the drop-down list of suggestions, but neither "fuck" nor "shit" appeared in any of these respective lists.
So it seems that while the editors of the Microsoft English Dictionary acknowledge that fuck and shit are indeed words, they apparently are not yet ready to encourage people to use these words. It probably would have been a more effective form of censorship to have simply kept the red squigglies.

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